Tim Autin Apps

E-walk - Offline maps 1.0.41
Tim Autin
E-WALKE-walk allows you to download offline maps, to plan your treks, toshow and share your position, to record your treks, etc... Thismakes E-walk the perfect companion for outdoors activities (such astrekking, hiking, fishing, hunting, etc...) and for travelingabroad, because you can fully use it offline.Lost in a forest? E-walk brings you back to your car. Forgot aboutwhere was this lovely boutique you noticed last year in Venice?E-walk refreshes your memory!E-WALK KEY FEATURES• download maps for later offline use• show your current location on the map• search places (last searches are saved for offline use)• record your treks• select different base maps (streets, satellite, terrain,etc...)• plan your treks by creating and editing KML files on the map. AKML file can contains markers, lines & polygonsE-WALK ADVANCED FEATURES• organize your treks in folders & subfolders• display overlay maps (weather, roads, metro/bus, ski slopes, seamap, etc...)• share your position via e-mail or SMS• open a position in your other geo apps (such as Google Maps,Waze, TomTom, Sygic, Mappy, Locus, Orux, MyTrails, etc...)• share a trek by e-mail, bluetooth, etc... Either in KML fileformat (by default) or in GPX file format• import GPX files (they will be converted in KMZ format)• add custom maps in the XYZ protocol (see http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames)• add custom maps in the WMS protocol (version 1.1.1 & 1.3.0are supported, Web Mercator coordinate system only. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Map_Service)E-WALK FREEDon't want to pay? Get E-walkFree !E-WALK PLUGINSSome plugins are available for E-walk (a plugin is an app that addsfeatures to another app). You can download them here:• IGN maps: this plugin adds maps provided by the french nationalinstitute of geographical and forestry information (http://www.ign.fr). These maps are the same asthe ones used by the Géoportail website (http://www.geoportail.gouv.fr). The plugin alsoallows you to use the IGN Leisure Space (http://espaceloisirs.ign.fr). It is a websiteproviding points of interest and treks that you can synchronize onyour device.• ONCFS maps: this plugin adds maps provided by the frenchnational office for wildlife and hunting (http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr)CONTACTA problem with E-walk? A suggestion? A feedback? Please do nothesitate to send an e-mail to contact.ewalk@gmail.com!
E-walk - Hiking offline GPS 1.5.19
Tim Autin
Find your next hike, record it, download offline maps, and more!
IGN maps (E-walk plugin) 1.0.30
Tim Autin
E-WALK PLUGIN This app in an E-walk plugin (a plugin is an appthatadds features to another app). You need E-walk to use thisplugin:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.at.ewalk.free.The plugin adds to E-walk the ability to use the French IGNmaps,and IGNrando'. WARNING: these features mostly cover Franceonly.IGN MAPS The IGN maps are highly detailed and cover thetotality offrench territory. Some maps are only available atcertain zoomlevels. They are the same as the ones used on theGéoportailwebsite (http://www.geoportail.gouv.fr). The IGN mapsplugin addsto E-walk 8 base maps : • ortho images: a highresolution satelliteimagery (zoom levels 2 - 19) • scan: a scan ofpaper IGN maps (zoomlevels 2 - 18) • scan express (classic): a scanof paper IGN mapsoften updated but with less details (zoom levels 6- 18) • scanexpress (standard): a scan of paper IGN maps oftenupdated but withless details, with another style (zoom levels 6 -18) • ICAO maps:International Civil Aviation Organisation maps(zoom levels 6 - 11)• administratives limits: administrativeslimits map (zoom levels 6- 10) • elevation map: digital terrainmodel (zoom levels 6 - 14) •army staff map (1820-1866): historicalmap from 18th century (zoomlevels 6 - 15) And 8 overlay maps: •cadastral parcels (black): mapof numerical cadastral information(zoom levels 2 - 20) • cadastralparcels (white): map of numericalcadastral information (zoomlevels 2 - 20) • cadastral parcels(orange): map of numericalcadastral information (zoom levels 2 -20) • administrative limits:map of administrative limits (zoomlevels 6 - 18) • buildings: mapof constructions (zoom levels 12 -18) • geographical names: mapshowing names of cities, towns, etc...(zoom levels 12 - 18) •Histolitt coastline: map showing the limitbetween land and marinearea (zoom levels 6 - 18) • hydrography: mapof lakes, reservoirs,rivers, creeks, etc... (zoom levels 6 - 18)LICENCES The pluginallows to see the maps through two licences:Discovery licence(free), and Adventure licence (5.99$USD / month or14.99$USD /year). The Discovery licence is limited by a monthlyquota sharedbetween all the users. Once the quota is exceeded, themaps can'tbe displayed until the next month. With the Adventurelicence, youcan also download the maps beforehand on your device,in order touse them without any internet access. IGNrando’IGNrando'(https://ignrando.fr) is a website provided by the IGN,allowingyou to visualize treks and points of interest among thetens ofthousands available. You can also add and share yours. Thosetreksand points of interest are mostly available in France only.WithE-walk, you can synchronize the treks and points of interestthatyou like on your device. Thereby, they will be availableanywhere,and you'll no longer need an internet access to see them.